• Currently, I work as a Bioinformatician at SciLifeLab (Karolinska Institute), in Stockholm.

  • I acquired my MSc in Bioinformatics from Uppsala University, in 2016. Before that, I obtained my BSc in Informatics from the Technological Institute of Central Greece, in 2013.

  • My favourite programming language is Python; it was love with the first touch. As a bioinformatician I also use a lot of shell scripting and sometimes R. On my personal projects I mostly use Python, C/C++ and rarely Javascript. For my deep learning projects I almost exclusively use TensorFlow.

  • In my free time I like exploring new AI architectures & techniques. When I feel like changing scenes, I enjoy playing with electronics (from designing and soldering circuits - to programming), networks, databases, etc. Usually, I accompany such projects with some sort of DIY crafting.

  • The term experience collector describes me best; suggest something new and I'm in. Regularly I play football, go bouldering and dancing. I enjoy watching Formula 1 and a wide variety of educational material. Lastly, I'm committed to traveling. I love how eye opening is to explore the world, learn history on sight and meet new cultures.

Contact me

If there’s something interesting you’d like to talk about, click the email button below and hit me up :)